Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012 RHS 11th and 12th Grade Summer Reading List

RHS 11th & 12th Grade Summer Reading List

When entering your comments, be sure to include the Title of the Book you read first before typing your comments about the book.

Be sure to sign your name at the end of your comments.

2012 RHS 10th Grade Summer Reading List

RHS 10th Grade Summer Reading List

When entering your comments, be sure to include the Title of the Book you read first before typing your comments about the book.

Be sure to sign your name at the end of your comments.

2012 RHS 9th Grade Summer Reading List

RHS 9th Grade Summer Reading List

When entering your comments, be sure to include the Title of the Book you read first before typing your comments about the book.

Be sure to sign your name at the end of your comments.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Innocent

The Innocent  by Taylor Stevens

Taylor Stevens, the author, has a great series going.  The Innocent is her second novel based on her intriguing and complex female protaganist, Vanessa Michael Munroe. This is an impressive follow-up to her first (best seller), The Informationist, and she definitely has me hooked.  This is a fast paced, intricate thriller, in which Munroe is hired by her best friend to extract a young girl from a religious cult, called The Chosen, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The girl, Hannah, was kidnapped from her mother, eight years ago, supposedly by her father, who is still a member of the cult.  Hannah's mother, and Munroe's best friend, Logan, had both escaped from this cult.

This particular storyline strikes close to home for the author.  According to her brief bio, Taylor Stevens is herself a religious cult survivor.  She was raised in communes across the globe and denied an education beyond the sixth grade.  She escaped from that life style and now lives in Texas.

When Logan and the girl's mother finally determine Hannah is being held somewhere in Buenos Aires, Logan, well aware of Vanessa's special skills as an informationist, hires Munroe to rescue Hannah from the cult.  Munroe once again is teamed up with Miles Bradford, a former special forces turned private contractor, who was introduced in Stevens' first novel.  Bradford is one of the few people who really understands and knows the capabilities of Vanessa, and they make a terrific team.  As the reader, you become invested in these characters, and you genuinely care about them. 

The Innocent is beautifully written, well paced, suspenseful with smart dialogue.  Stevens has joined my list of must read authors, and I will be waiting anxiously for her third Vanessa Munroe novel.