Saturday, June 4, 2011

The King's Speech by Mark Logue

The King's Speech by Mark Logue

As I have mentioned many times before in relation to the books I read, they are inspired by a movie.  If you have seen the Academy Award winning film you know what a tremendous story this is.  Mark Logue is the grandson of Lionel Logue, the "Man who saved the British Monarchy."  Logue came upon his grandfather's diaries, which inspired the film to be made and this compelling story to be written. 

The King's Speech recounts an inspiring real-life tale of triumph over adversity, when an Australian elocutionist/actor taught a British king with a crippling speech defect how to speak to his subjects.  "Bertie", the younger brother and second in line to the throne, suffers from a severe stammer.  He withstands ridicule from his father, George V, as he grows up.  When his older brother abdicates the throne for the love of Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee, Bertie becomes the reluctant monarch.  Some people seek fame, and others, like George VI, has it thrust upon him. 

This story shows a side of the British royal family, that one seldom sees.  What really brings this story to life is the use of primary sources, the letters, correspondence and photographs between George VI and Lionel Logue.  These letters reveal a very compassionate monarch who cared deeply for his country and its people, as well as the very genuine  friendship, loyalty and devotion he developed with Lionel Logue.  This unique story is so well told that you honestly feel like you have gotten to know these two very different men, who became close friends, and you don't want them to leave.

This is a case where I would highly recommend you see the film as well as read the book.  Don't worry, one will not spoil the other for you.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been dying to get my hands on this book but can not because of how popular it is. It sounds like a good book and an outstanding movie but I do not want to go out and buy the book I would prefer to wait and check it out from my local library

Steve Weston 10th grader at RHS