Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012 RHS 9th Grade Summer Reading List

RHS 9th Grade Summer Reading List

When entering your comments, be sure to include the Title of the Book you read first before typing your comments about the book.

Be sure to sign your name at the end of your comments.


Anonymous said...

The title of the book I read was "A Lesson Before Dying". The book is about black and white segregation, whereas there is still separate bathrooms and drinking fountains for black and whites. The book focuses in on a black teacher, who wants to run away with his love, Vivian. Yet, he has to stay for a few reasons. One, to teach. He hates teaching, but he does it to earn money and get by. The second reason is because his Nannan (or grandma) asks him to turn her godchild, Mr. Jefferson, into a man before his electric-chair execution. Jefferson believes he is a "hog getting fattened for slaughter". Nannan asks Grant Wiggins, the teacher, to make Jefferson understand that he is a man, not a hog. She wants Jefferson to be ready to die, not afraid. The story goes on up to the point where Jefferson is executed. Was he turned into a man in time, or did the teacher fail? You'll just have to find out for yourself! All in all, this is a book that could relate to anyone at any time in their lifetime, whether you be a minister, a teacher, a poor person, or someone in jail, it's all in this book. I got a little emotional at the end, but other than that, a fantastic read!
Jamie Radosevich

Anonymous said...

The book that I read was called "Such a Pretty Girl". It was about a girl named Meredith whose father is a child molester. When Meredith was eleven years old, her father was supposed to be sent to jail for nine years, but he got out in three. Meredith knows that he is going to start again and has no way to get away from him. She looks to her friend, Andy for help and when he is too scared to help, it is up to Meredith to save herself. Meredith makes a plan to send her father back to prison, but isn't sure if it will work. I thought that this was a very well written book and had a very good plot.
Natalie Ruhnke

Anonymous said...

I read a book called "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins this summer. It is about a country called Panem that is split into 12 districts and the capitol. 13 districts rebelled against the capitol, and lost. District 13 was destroyed whereas 12 district survived. After the rebellion the capitol punishes the districts by making them send a boy and a girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to fight in the annual hunger games. This book follows a girl named Katniss who volunteered to take her sister's place in the games. Katniss is pushed into situations she has never been in before. She has promised her sister she will win the games, but only one of the twenty-four tributes will win. I really liked this book and cant wait to read the sequel.
Emily Hackerson

Anonymous said...

The book that I read was called " The Hunger Games" by Suzanna Collins.The book is about 12 districts and the capital, in a country called Panem. The capital put kids between ages 12 to 18 to fight against each other. Their are one boy and one girl from each district. This book follows a girl named, Katniss who volunteered to take her sister's place in the games. She promised her sister that she will win the games, so she can live.There are 24 people in the hunger games, but only one person can live. I love this book, and now i want to read the other books. The reason that I loved this book has to do with how much I liked Katniss. She is brave because she wants to be with her family again and showed her loyalty when her friend died. I would like to think I could do what Katniss did and I'd like to act with bravery in school each day.
Maddie Munson

Anonymous said...

The book I read was " The Hunger Games". It was about 13/12 districts that were split. Every year they pick two tributes from each district (one male and one female) to compete in the Hunger Games. Only one tribute survives. The book follows a character named Katniss. Originally her little sister, Prim, was picked, but Katniss volunteered as tribute. The male tribute picked was named Peeta. They both compete in the Hunger Games and intend to fight to the death. The Gamemakers change the rules and say that the last two tributes win, instead of only one. So, Katniss and Peeta teamed up to win. In the end they are both the final tributes.
I thought the book was very well written, but it didn’t live up to be as great as everyone said it would be. The book showed great sacrifice, love, and strength. But I don’t enjoy books with a lot of violence. Overall, still a good book.
Mackenzie Stahl