Monday, September 17, 2012

My Lady Judge by Cora Harrison

My Lady Judge: A mystery of Medieval Ireland 

by Cora Harrison

I actually bought this book in a bookstore in Milan, Italy four years ago.  I really enjoy this kind of historical fiction.  Harrison does a tremendous job of recreating life and the kinds of characters in medieval Ireland.  At this in Irish or Celtic history, it is not unusual for a woman to hold such a powerful and prestigious position as a Brehon (Judge).  And Mara is a strong, and intelligent protagonist, who rules not only with her brain, but equally with her heart.  Mara, appointed by the King, is the Brehon for the Irish kingdom of the Burrens, located on the western seaboard of Ireland, in what is now Connemara County.

Mara uses her powers of observation to solve crimes, whether it is the murder of one of her assistants or the disappearance of a neighbor's cow.  There is quite a list of interesting characters, all nicely developed by Harrison.  While she is introducing and setting up the plot, she cleverly weaves a description of specific ancient Brehon laws and how Mara administers these ancient laws.  As previously stated, the novel is set in medieval times, just at the time that a young Henry VIII ascends to the throne of England, which follows a much more harsh and brutal system of Roman laws.  As I have said before with other well written and researched historical novels, it is an exciting way to learn about different aspects of history.  In addition to the history lesson, you will find yourself immersed in the plot, the characters and the conflict that naturally develops between the Catholic faith, trying to establish a foothold in Ireland, and the people's adherence and belief in ancient Celtic practices and laws.

This is a series of novels by Cora Harrison with the Lady Judge Mara as the main character.  You can't go wrong if you choose to introduce yourself to any of Harrison's Brehon Mara's stories.

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