Tuesday, June 7, 2011

11th and 12th Grade Summer Reading List

11th and 12th Grade Summer Reading List

When entering your comments, be sure to include the Title of the Book you read first before typing your comments about the book.

Be sure to sign your name at the end of your comments.


RyanKladar said...

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

An amazing book. The translation from German makes it a bit wordy but the message is astounding. I was under the impression that the novel was about the Gautama Buddha but it was about a man who met the Buddha but went his own way and found his own path. The book was a quick read but powerful and I highly recommend it.

Ryan Kladar

RyanKladar said...

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

Another powerful book. This book stumped me for about a day after I finished it. Hemingway's style comes out very prominently in this book. His short, punctuated sentences and dialogue makes the motives of the characters hidden. But I then traced my subconscious opinion of Lt. Henry throughout the book and realized that it shifted wildly, but ultimately went from high to low. I recommend this book and I highly recommend analyzing your feelings after finished. It greatly helped me understand the message, and that is the reason I read classics.

Ryan Kladar

RyanKladar said...

Twelfth Night by Wm. Shakespeare

This was Shakespearean comedy at its best and most ridiculous. It made me laugh several times and it had some hidden Easter Eggs from other plays and it was enjoyable to read it in the No Fear Shakespeare form, and I feel it will help my Shakespeare reading in the future. Good read after Siddhartha and Farewell to Arms

Ryan Kladar